Monday, August 2, 2010

An open letter to Achievers traveling to Chicago

Dear fellow Achiever,

As you know, Lebowski Fest is coming back to Chicago next month! That's my neck of the woods. Another Achiever asked me for advice on a hotel. I saw yet one more had posted on the Forum looking for help as well.

Here's my official response to where you should stay if you're planning on traveling to Chicago for Lebowski Fest: I'm sorry, I wasn't listening...

Look, I'm very sorry fellow Achiever - but I live here. Asking me about local hotels is totally out of my element. To make matters unfortunately worse, the two venues of LF-Chicago (Portage Theater & Diversey River Rock and Bowl) aren't really all that close to one of Chicago's many train lines. In a perfect world, I'd tell you to pick a place downtown - in the "Loop" and take an eL train out to the site. But unless you're willing to walk a mile and half in post midnight (and post White Russian) conditions I think you're better off taking a cab.

If you're looking for a hotel that's within walking distance of the Fest sites (like how we are spoiled with in Louisville), it's not an option. The areas are rather residential, with no hotels in sight.

So when it comes to asking me to track down a hotel possiblity for you -
I've got to uh - tender my resignation or whatever, because uh -

This is leaving you holding a bag of Walter's undeies, I understand. You thought you were getting a hotel recommendation. All I can say is pick a well-known national hotel chain you are comfortable with and go to the 'net to search for one as close to the downtown area that you can afford. The Movie Party and Bowling Party aren't downtown, but you'll want to be downtown to do some sightseeing and general touristy what have you while you're in town.

For the record, if I had someone coming into town to see me - I'd put them at this hotel. It's close to where I live (which means nothing to you), walking distance to the eL to get you downtown. (Bonus point of relevance: it is actually less than 8 miles from where the Movie Party is going to be held.) But also for the record, I can't formally recommend a hotel just off of the Airport because you deserve to have a downtown Chicago experience to get the full experience of the city I love so much.

Feel free to ask me any follow up questions,

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