Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The G*ddamn Plane Has Crashed Into the Amazon

Anytime I mention Eddie Chung's documentary The Achievers, I love to use this photo I took in July 2008:

Today, it came to light.
The last time I saw it, during the 8th Annual Lebowski Fest in Louisville, Eddie mentioned that it would be available on

I can't find it anywhere on that site.
Chalupa, of the Lebowski Podcast fame (happy birthday to him by the way), reported that Amazon had sold out of it.

"Nothing is fucked here, Dude. Nothing is fucked. They're a bunch of fucking amateurs--"

The limber minds at have you covered.
Since failed to achieve, even in the modest task that was their charge, since they have drastically underestimated Achiever Demand, you have no choice but to buy here: It's over in the Pro Shop.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Dude - if you're looking on Amazon, type "The Achievers DVD" into the search box. You'll be presented with one whole page of nothing remotely close to what you're looking for, with the exception of maybe a copy of The Big Lebowski. You then have to scroll down and check out Page 2 of the results.

    ...Scratch that. I just double-checked and they have indeed removed the entry. Come on Amazon - never underestimate the predictability of Lebowski fans.
