Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Fortnight from the Fest

It's only two weeks away, not now the fun starts even sooner!
Don't take my word for it - here's a screen capture from the Achiever Forum:

A very important reminder of advice:
Louisville is in the Eastern Time Zone!
Last year, coming from Chicago, I almost didn't realize this in time and almost missed out on the screening of this documentary last year.

I got there later than others, but was able to sit on the carpet (sadly, not a rug in the place) close to the screen. If you want a better fate, you should plan on getting there early - because I don't think demand to see this work has decreased in the last year.

I don't know if it will be the same version of what was seen last year.
Everything I know is from the message post from Will (above pictured) earlier today.

There have been some follow up questions on the message thread, primarily about the whereabouts of it's director:


Clicking over to the Achiever Forum for the latest news is encouraged.[TQ]

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

There's more to expect in Louisville

If you like The Big Lebowski, there's really no reason (start Walter voice) THERE'S NO FUCKING REASON (end Walter voice) for you to not listen to The Lebowski Podcast (

Sometime in early 2008, I was randomly clicking through the iTunes Music Store - typing in what have you into the search bar before I finally typed in 'lebowski' and discovered the podcast. A couple months later, I was able to pick out Chalupa & Company (they were sporting Lebowski Podcast t-shirts) waiting to get into the Lebowski Fest Chicago Movie Party and soon they were interviewing me for an upcoming episode (I'm the first Achiever voice in their episode reviewing the Chicago Fest).

The dynamic podcast duo of Chalupa and Liz will be on the scene next month in Louisville - complete with Media passes. They're willing to get as many achiever voices heard into their portable recording devices as possible. I assume you'll be able to pick them out just as easily as I did - for they'll be wearing Podcast T-Shirts again.

Speaking of Podcast T-Shirts: According to a recent blog post on the Lebowski Podcast site, they will be selling newly designed shirts in Louisville. And if you don't have as much money as Donny had in his wallet - you also have a chance to take one home for free.

And the freebie train doesn't stop there for the Lebowski Podcast. Through a partnership with Entertainment Earth, podcast listeners and blog readers are eligible to get some sweet Lebowski swag. I strongly suggest you check out the announcement of their Summer of Give-aways to find out how to get your digital name picked out of their digital hat.[TQ]

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's weakness is vanity.

Happy Father's Day. Today's the day when Fathers are allowed to be vain - and how proud we are of all of them - for they've earned it.

I'm not a Father myself, but I can assure you if I ever get a kid, it won't take me long to stuff that offspring into an Achiever Onesie.

Of course there are a lot of Father figures in The Big Lebowski, but none of them carry as much weight as Jeff Lebowski. The other Jeffrey Lebowski. The millionaire.

-Arthur Digby Sellers does not say a word (he has health problems)
-Bunny (Fawn Knudsen)'s father does not show up in L.A. (just sending his snoop Da Fino)
-And although we don't know if the neighbor man whose door Quintana had to knock on has a child: I like to think he is a loving father who wants to protect his children from the pederast.

Not to mention the metaphorical father figure that is The Stranger and the prospective fatherly role (or lack there of if Maude gets her way) The Dude will soon experience...[TQ]

Friday, June 19, 2009

Not "Three thousand years," Just 3 Weeks

Only three weeks left to warm up your Ringer Toss arm:

Ringer Toss Victory from Bonnaroo on Vimeo.

In news ripped from the Achiever Forum:
The official host hotel, The Crowne Plaza, is sold out!
No need to get mad at whoever posted it (it can't be unposted), There are other options such as The Marriott and Hampton Inn. All nearby hotels can be found here.

Congratulations to you if you had the foresight and motivation to get in while you could.
We'll all see you there soon as we all roll in (some of us on Thursday, some of us Friday). This of course excludes all the Louisville Locals, and how proud we are of all of them.

I received an e-mail from Louie, of the 7:11 Crew, who has realized that I've been posting weekly pictures of their gang ever since one of her colleagues provided me with all the countdown artwork you've been seeing at the top of these posts. She submitted the following picture titled "We're just helping her conceive, man!"

I've been posting a lot of this crew, I realize. Hopefully the other Achievers aren't getting tired of this same foursome being pictured - but posting these people help me even out the balance of all the other pictures of Achievers I post (which tend to only feature women).

Leblogski tries to treat objects like women, man.[TQ]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On a Moonless Prairie

Although Lebowski Fest Austin is the furthest from today (October 9 & 10), it's the stop most on my mind this week...

That is because Austin, on a personal level, is best known for the SXSW festival.
In the last few years, SXSW has expanded from beyond music to also include a film festival.
Not unlike what Bonnaroo did last weekend.

Who's to say that Lebowski Fest might won't find their way to crash that Garden Party too?
The Dudes have roots in Texas.
They brought the Fest there in May of 2006 and will triumphantly return to Austin as the final stop on the Lebowski Fest Speed of Sound Tour.

I eventually want to mention each of the 14 non-Louisville cities about to host a Lebowski Fest.
For this post, I wanted to share a favorite picture from the first time Austin hosted:

I haven't seen this picture before today, and it has instantly shot up to one of my favorite all time. These kinds of costumes, which really make you stop and think in order to figure it out are true achievements. Bonus points for rarity as well: the more and more Fests that happen exponentially raise the bar for Achievers looking for an original costume.

Although I need to mention that originality and obscurity are far from requirements at Lebowski Fests as the most photographed, loved, and trophy awarded costumes are of the film's most recognizable figures. And I suspect the Texan locale will result in many Strangers and boots with only nine toes inside.[TQ]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bonnaroo Abides

The Dudes are back from Bonnaroo and a good time was had by all.

Here are a few photos.

Outside the Cinema Tent in the pin suits.

The Dude Mobile made it and the Ringer was tossed.

You want a toe? We can get you a tow.

Lebowski Fest's Founding Dudes Will and Scott at Bonnaroo 2009 from Bonnaroo on Vimeo.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The first picture from Lebowski Fest @ Bonnaroo... I think?

This is picture is very ominous.

Reminds me of the kid's writing in The Shining.
I found it here: [TQ]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pin your diapers on, Lebowski.

Anybody who took pictures from Lebowski Fest's presence this past weekend are probably still there (or attempting to get home).
But I can't wait until those lazy bums post pictures... I'm too eager and jealous to know what went down in Tennessee!

Therefore, I'm posting this picture from this past weekend's Bonnaroo - assuming this guy eventually got drunk and abusive... I hear it was in the 90s, which must've made the air conditioned comfort of the Cinema area a bigger attraction.

Photo by Saul Young (From the Forgive Us Our Lens blog).[TQ]

Friday, June 12, 2009

You want a toe?

We can get you a tow.

They uh, got uh, four more

(I forgot to mention this in last week's post, but these countdown logos are courtesy of "The 7:11 Crew")

This past week we got the first glimpse at the official poster for the 8th Annual Lebowski Fest:

I always eagerly anticipate the release of these Bill Green posters. I own one myself.

The custom framing cost over thirty times as much as the actual poster.
Worth every penny (yes, bones or clams or whatever you call them).[TQ]

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pin Suits are in!

If you will it, Dude, it is no dream.

...almost five!

This Friday it will be 5 weeks until the 8th Annual Lebowski Fest.
However, if you've seen the recent news, it's not the "next" event.
That scene in Tennessee should produce "very exciting things."

Speaking Jackie Treehorn, I wonder if he also does album covers?

Cause it looks like Maude Lebowski created this album cover.
Way to go Rebecca Crutcher (the artist credited according to Whistle Peak's facebook page)!
I can't say I'm an authority on highly vaginal album artwork... But this most certainly qualifies.

I'm looking forward to Whistle Peak's set in almost 5 weeks. From what I have sampled, their music is as laid back as the bunny above drawn.[TQ]

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rob Riggle is preparing

Rob Riggle will be performing at the 8th Annual Lebowski Fest

According to his Twitter feed, the guy's getting himself ready:

I know I promised to talk about the music of Whistle Peak in this post.
I'll get to it later... Sorry if I'm acting like a douche nozzle.

I hope those guys just think I'm building suspense for them.[TQ]

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I have my tickets (again), don't wait to get yours!

Today I received my tickets for Lebowski Fest Chicago.
There was a little bit of a fiasco with the Chicago tickets last year.
Suffice to say, the quote to detail it the best would involve:

A plane

And a mountain

The net result was me feeling... not calm.

But now I have a feeling of brightness washing over me.
I know I mentioned intentional misquoting in a previous post.
It's rather difficult to stop once you start.

In the meantime:
Take a listen to Whistle Peak.
They will be performing at the Fest in Louisville.
I'll let you know what I think in the next post.[TQ]