Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Vietnam, Now this Blog Post

Are you familiar with the holy trinity of Walter Sobchak?

It's widely recognized that the fictional character immortalized by John Goodman is a based from three actual people: John Milius, "Big" Lew Abernathy and Peter Exline. Earlier today [founding dude] Will Russell sent me a note bringing my attention to the blog of a former Exline student.

Peter Exline, although known for many things, is a notable professor at the University of Southern California.

The former student, Carrie, deserves your best Liam bellyshake for her role in helping connect Exline with Lebowski Fest. Her story is a must read by all Achievers (if you click one link on this entire post, make it this one).

Speaking of must reads for all Achievers, "I'm a Lebowski, You're a Lebowski", contains interviews with all three key inspirations for Walter.[TQ]


  1. Far out. Just started reading it, but now they want me to do something at work. We've been meaning to contact Exline for a while now....we should probably get on that.
